The Art/Life Institute
KINGSTON, NY 185 Abeel Street
A Performance Art Residency, Gallery and Project Space

All are welcome. You can bring a dish for the potluck but it's not required. If you plan to bring something, we ask that it's a vegetarian offering. Thank you!
Donations to the QPOP Venmo (@qpopproductions) are welcome and will help us buy extra food.
If you cannot make the event but would like to support with a donation do it!
Thank you so much!
The Art Life Institute is a performance art incubator, gallery space and exhibition venue located in the historic Rondout neighborhood in Kingston, New York.
For more information:
195 Abeel Street, Kingston NY 12401
Q POP Productions
is a collective that organizes BIPOC centered Queer Pop-up events in the
Hudson Valley with a mission of spreading joy and healing as a means of resistance.
Trans Day of Remembrance is a national day to uplift the stories and lives of trans identified community members who have been lost through interpersonal and state sanctioned violence. This year, we are collaborating to hold ritual space to hold the grief and trauma of dealing with this violence along with engaging the community in critical discussion on how we can counter it.
Join us in person at four locations(Newburgh, Beacon, Poughkeepsie and Kingston) to gather, be in community, hold space collectively and get active on how we can start to counter gender based violence in our communities!

Thank you to our collaborators. We love being in community with you:
Poughkeepsie Queer Community
This year's Trans Day of Remembrance happens throughout the Mid-Hudson Valley in Beacon, Kingston, Newburgh and Poughkeepsie in a collective effort to:
Honor those killed due to anti-transgender violence
Read and remember the names of victims
Highlight our joy and resilience
Discuss actions we can take to educate our communities about ending violence toward transgender people, and
To model what collaborative, co-creative non-hierarchical community process can look like.